All courses taught at Belgrade Metropolitan University (at bachelor, master and doctoral level) are described in public course catalogue published on the website in both Serbian and English language. The course catalogue represents detailed description of specific study programme with objectives, jobs which graduates can do, learning outcomes of the study programme, organization and short description of all courses. ECTS for each course are shown in the table along with number of active teaching hours.
All courses are primarily taught in Serbian language, and some study programmes are accredited for implementation also in English. Foreign students have support in English, recommended books, consultations, organizational support, but they are also offered to learn Serbian language while being at BMU.
When cooperation with a foreign institution is initiated (either by BMU or by partner institution) Academic Collegium is considering whether this offer is suitable for BMU (if courses are compatible, areas are similar and cooperation provides a good education and experience for students or staff). When collegium adopt this initiative, Mobility Department is starting the procedure of signing an Inter-institutional agreement. The Mobility Coordinator is in charge to prepare full documentation to be signed by the Rector, related to the organization and monitoring, Learning agreements will be managed by the Academic Coordinator because of the ECTS recognition and all mentoring support that students need to have.
Within the Learning Agreement, the contracting parties (student, home institution and host institution) specify the courses that student plans to enrol, or other academic activities (e.g. research), which a student plans to complete during their stay at the host institution.
By signing the Learning Agreement, the home institution approves the mobility along with attendance of chosen academic activities, and guarantees the recognition of ECTS and grades acquired during the exchange. The Learning Agreement is signed by the student, the authorized person of the institution (Rector in case of BMU) and the authorized person of the receiving institution.
The contracting parties sign the Learning Agreement prior to the exchange, unless the host institution decides otherwise. The learning contract can be additionally changed only with the consent of all signatories, and all changes must be made in writing.


At BMU, an assigned Academic Coordinator is in charge for language policy and preparation for mobilities (exchange of students) both outgoing and incoming. All courses are taught in Serbian, but there are several programmes offered in English.
Most of students at Serbian universities are capable to participate in class, read, learn and communicate in English since the high school education is preparing them for level B1 or B2. In order to participate in mobilities, ongoing and incoming students should have minimum B1 level of English language. The English knowledge and communication level is determined by the Academic Coordinator with a test that shows whether student’s level is satisfying, if not, a student can have support by BMU’s English teachers. If an incoming student wish to learn Serbian language, the University can offer additional classes or help them in finding appropriate language school.





Mobility and Academic Coordinators are in charge for student/staff support during mobility. Mobility Coordinator will help students to find accommodation and will help for all administrative issues that occurs. Academic Coordinator will mentor students regarding all academic issues, language support with a special attention to social integration of students.
ICO will organize welcoming reception of incoming foreign students, giving them needed information regarding the university, their stay, and information of their interest related to Belgrade (or Niš, if they are located in Niš). They will be informed about the organization of their studies, what is expected from them, how they can get help from BMU staff etc. The Mobility Coordinator will organize different social events for foreign students, and events where they can meet Serbian students and build their good relationships. ICO will also organize special events for foreign students, such as parties, so that they can know each other and exchange their experience regarding their stay in Serbia and at BMU. ICO will also organize different activities to help a smooth integration of foreign student into local environment.
For ongoing students Mobility and Academic Coordinators will be on disposal via email and Skype, and in communication with ICO of a host institution.
While being on exchange at the host institution, the student retains the status of a student at the BMU (home institution).
During the mobility period, a student does not stop the study nor remain in the home institution, as it is assumed that the student has achieved his academic obligations in the receiving institution (unless this issue is regulated differently, in which case the student should be informed in a timely manner).
During the mobility period, a student continues to pay regular tuition fees to his/her home institution. Mobility students will communicate the Mobility Coordinator for all their problems, in person, or by sending an e-mail.






A student of BMU who was on exchange on the basis of the signed Learning Agreement, has the right to get recognition of the results achieved at a receiving organization, by the host institution after returning from the exchange.
Academic recognition of the period of mobility is a procedure by which Academic Coordinator determines the results achieved by the student for exchange and makes a decision on the manner of recognizing passed exams (ECTS points and grade) which is determined after the end of the procedure by the Academic Recognition Period of Mobility Decision.
The student is obliged to submit to the Academic Coordinator in due time all relevant documents related to the achieved mobility (written request, Learning Agreement / Study and Research Agreement / Agreement on Professional Practice and Quality, copy of the assessment, certificate of completed professional practice, document on the assessment system in the receiving institution (if this information is not an integral part of the Transcript of Records), as well as copies of these documents.
Transcript of Record will be issued to incoming students in timely manner, no longer than 10 working days after finalizing the mobility.
Academic Coordinator is obliged, within seven days prior to the beginning of the semester in which the student continues the program in the home institution, to adopt the Decision on the Academic Recognition of the Period of Mobility, and submit it to the Student and Student Services in order to regulate all the necessary administrative details in connection with realized mobility.
If the administrative procedure referred to in the preceding paragraph has not been completed within the aforementioned deadline, the home institution shall be obliged to allow the student to continue the studies without mentioned data, and completing the procedure as soon as possible.
The Rulebook of Students’ Mobility and Academic Recognition of the Mobility Period provides all procedures related to mobility process. Eventual appeals on the mobility process can be sent via email to the Mobility Coordinator (