Why Choose Sport Management?

Nowadays Sport Management presents an attractive and promising area of education that keeps gaining in importance by dealing with various aspects of business in the sports industry as an integral part of the economy.
In the broadest sense, the economy also includes sports, since sport is an area that is subject to basic economic principles and business rules.
Sport is an integral part of the movement of capital, and not only within national borders, but also internationally, which makes it a global phenomenon. There are a number of reasons why sport is a part of the global economy today:
The sports market is a global emerging market;
The sports market is characterized by mass attendance and large spectrum of viewers, through which many can place their own messages, in a relatively inexpensive way;
The sports market is in need of capital investment and is seeking increased contribution and accumulation;
In most countries sports organizations are registered as citizens’ associations, and not as business entities, thus providing tax reliefs that make them interesting for investing.
Globalization of sport is a phenomenon that is conditioned by the advancement of globalization and the creation of a global economy. Globalization of sports and the creation of sports industry are reflected in many aspects: the promotion of states through sports and the participation of national selections/teams in major world competitions, the participation of large multinational companies in sports and various forms of business and marketing, by which large companies gain huge profits.
Business in sports is present not only in professional sports, but also in sports in schools and universities, sports recreation, sports marketing, the organization of sports events, the management of sports facilities, and the management of sports organizations.

What is the objective of the Sport Management study program?

The main objective of bachelor studies in Sport Management is acquiring knowledge and skills in the field of management in sports, which encompasses a wide range of theoretical and practically applicable knowledge, as well as professional training in the field of management, organizing sports events (competitions, matches, tournaments, championships, etc.), sport club management, marketing, PR management, sports education, sport facilities management, sports industry engagement, entrepreneurial business in the field of sports, work in national institutions responsible for sport and other fields, at both national and global level.
The study program Sport Management presents a genuine and modern concept, composed of general and special subjects, carefully designed to give students general knowledge in the field of management and management of organizations of different types of complexity, marketing, organization, planning, financial management, conception and investment in business, as well as special skills necessary for work and engagement in the sports industry, covered by special scientific disciplines in the field of management in sports, which students study in an expert and qualified way.
The objective of the study program Sport Management – the students being able to competently, efficiently and effectively implement the acquired knowledge and skills in the work and operations of sports and business organizations and institutions. Students within this study program acquire knowledge and competences that enable them for independent, professional, individual or team work and engagement in all areas of business in sport.
More specifically, the study program qualifies students to manage sports organizations, organize small and big sports events, manage and control development plans and programs of sports organizations and institutions, participate in state and international institutions important for sports and sports industry, independent investment in business and entrepreneurship in the field of sports, taking care of the protection and improvement of the business, natural and social environment and contribution to the local and social community.
In this study program, students get acquainted with the following disciplines and areas of sport management: management in sports, sports marketing, sports business, PR in sport, sporting events management, sports facilities management, organizing sports events, project management, entrepreneurship in sports, legal and financial aspects of business in sport, etc.
Jobs for which students are trained
Students who complete bachelor studies in Sport Management are able to work:
• in sports organizations as sports managers or as members of the board, to manage, organize and control the operations and finances of organizations,
• in organizations that manage sports facilities, they can work as managers who are responsible for managing sports facilities, as well as managing sporting events in them,
• in educational institutions, in teaching, as well as being organizers and managers of sports facilities and school competitions,
• in recreational and fitness centers, in which business managers can manage their work,
• in professional clubs, being responsible for their finances, marketing, successful business, organizing sports events and maintaining sports facilities.

The most common jobs of graduate students

Students in studies of management in sports acquire competences from different areas of business, management, organization, control of the business of sports organizations, and are trained to perform a number of tasks within the management of sports.
There are many different employment opportunities, such as:
• Administrator in sports organizations: owner, executive, sports manager, etc.
• PR manager and public relations manager: a manager who is responsible for public relations in a sports organization,
• Sports video production manager: organizer of video transmission of sports events
• Manager of Sports Facilities and Sports Events: Director of Sports Facilities, Sports Recreation and Entertainment Facilities, Special Events Manager, Customer Relationship Manager and Guest Relations Manager.
• Financial manager: Manager of sports organization, sports association, ticket sales manager.
• Marketing manager: Marketing director of a sports organization or sports center, director of special events or a manager of sports competitions.
• Public Relations Manager: Director of Public Relations of a Sports Organization or Center, Director of Sports Media, Community Relations Director, Corporate Communication Assistant.
• Travel and Tourism Manager: Competition Planner, Guest Relations Specialist, Special Event Coordinator, and Sport Organizer in Tourism Organizations.

What are the learning outcomes in the field of Sport Management?

Outcomes of the learning process include:
• understanding business and social activities in sports organizations and institutions, developing creative, managerial, organizational and analytical abilities and skills;
• encouraging and developing the ability to decide, plan, organize, and control business processes in sports organizations;
• training for the use and application of modern concepts, models, approaches, methods and techniques for solving key issues and problems at work (problem thinking);
• development of independent analytical and critical thinking in business practice;
• developing the learning skills necessary for continuous lifelong learning with a high level of autonomy;
• understanding the key issues of the functioning and development of management in sport;
• encouraging initiative and creative thinking in work and business;
• encouraging and developing team work, cooperation and communication skills;diss
• acquiring and developing the skills of transferring knowledge, as well as the development and dissemination of permanent education in the field of management in sports.

Specific learning outcomes related to the narrow field of Sport Management are:
• management of sports facilities
• organization of sports events and competitions
• safety in sports facilities and during sports events
• finance in sports organizations
• business in sports and business of sports organizations
• marketing in sport
• management of sports organizations and professional clubs
• management of recreation centers and fitness centers
• organization of sports in educational institutions
Compliance with international standards
North American Society for Sport Management
Sport Marketing Association
International Ticketing Association
College Sports Information Directors of America


Number Course Code Course Title Semester Course Type Course Status Active lecturing Оther classes ЕСTS
First year
1 MK150 Foundations of Management 1 ТМ M 3 2 0 0 8
2 OM100 Introduction to Operations Management 1 ТМ M 2 2 0 0 6
3 IS205 Foundations of Information Systems 1 ТМ M 2 2 0 0 6
4 MК100 Principles of Marketing 1 ТМ M 2 2 0 0 6
5 NТ111 Еnglish 1 1 АG M 3 0 0 0 4
6 MG150 Business Finances with Accounting 2 ТМ M 3 3 0 0 8
7 NТ112 Еnglish 2 2 АG M 3 0 0 0 4
8 МК170 Sports Marketing 2 SP M 2 2 0 0 6
9 MК165 Introduction to Sports Management 2 M 2 2 0 0 6
10 ОМ175 History of sports 2 НС M 2 2 0 0 6
Total number of classes (lectures, tutorials  + Other/ additional classes and ECTS per year 24 17 0 0 60
Total number of active classes per year   41 60
Second Year
11 МК110 Business Economics 3 TM M 3 3 0 0 8
12 МА272 Business Statistics with Probability 3 TM M 3 3 0 0 8
13 NТ214 Еnglish in Management 3 АG M 3 0 0 0 4
14 МК265 Management of sports facilities 3 M 2 3 0 0 8
15 МК235 Sales Management 4 SP M 3 3 0 0 8
16 ОМ230 Management of Human Resources 4 ТМ M 3 3 0 0 8
17 МК375 Business Law 4 ТМ M 3 2 0 0 8
18 МК275 Principles of training in sport 4 M 2 3 0 0 8
Total number of classes (lectures, tutorials  + Other / additional classes and ECTS per year 22 20 0 0 60
Total number of active classes per year   42 60
Тhird Year
19 ОМ323 Project Management 5 SP M 3 3 0 1 8
20 МК360 Public Relations 5 SP M 2 2 0 0 6
21 МК220 Consumer Behaviour 5 SP M 2 3 0 0 8
22 МК251 Digital Marketing 5 M 3 3 0 0 8
23 ОМ350 Entrepreneurship 6 SP M 3 3 0 1 8
24 NТ210 Business Ethics and Communication 6 АG M 2 2 0 0 6
25 МК270 Management of sports organizations 6 SP M 3 2 0 0 8
26 МК370 Management of sports events 6 SP M 2 3 0 0 8
Total number of classes (lectures, tutorials  + Other / additional classes and ECTS per year 20 21 0 2 60
Total number of active classes per year   41 60
Fourth year
27 МК310 International Business 7 SP M 4 3 0 0 8
28 МК425 Strategic Management 7 SP M 3 4 0 0 8
29 МГ491 Professional Internship 7 M 0 0 0 20 6
30   Elective Course 1 from elective pool 1 7   EL 3 3 0 0 8
31 MK280 Business in Sports 8 PA M 3 4 0 0 8
32   Elective Course 2 from elective pool 2 8   EL 3 3 0 0 8
33 МК485 Management of Special and Media Events 8 SP M 4 3 0 0 8
34 МГ495 Graduating Paper 8 SP   0 0 0 15 6
Total number of classes (lectures, tutorials  + Other / additional classes and ECTS per year 20 20 0 0 60
Total number of active classes per year   40 60
Total number of classes (lectures, tutorials  + Other / additional classes and ECTS for all academic years   164 240


МK150 Foundations of Management
OM100 Introduction to Operations Management
IS205 Foundations of Information Systems
MK100 The Principles of Marketing
NT111 English I
MG150 Business Finances with Accounting
NT112 English 2
MK170 Sports Marketing
MK165 Introduction to Sports Management
MK175 History of Sports
MK110 Business Economics
MA272 Business Statistics with Probability
NT214 English for Management
MK265 The management of Sports Facilities
MK235 Sales Management
ОМ230 Human Resources Management
MK375 Business Law
MK275 Principles of training in sport
OM323 Project management
МК360 Public Relations
МК220 Consumer Behavior
MK251 Digital Marketing
OM350 Entrepreneurship
NT210 Business Ethics and Communication
MK270 Management of Sports Organizations
MK370 Management of Sports Events
MK310 International Business
MK425 Strategic Management
MG491 Professional internship
МК280 Business in Sports
МK485 Special and Media Events Management
MG495 Graduating paper